ANMAT: NMEs traceability system

principios activos anmat trazabilidad medicamentos

With the inclusion of new active, the traceability system of medicines continues to advance in the control of Argentine pharmaceutical market. According to the latest resolution, the list to be included in the new phase of the plan will take effect in June this year, and will total 11 drugs to trace.
According to the latest available from the National Drug, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT), its 11 active pharmaceutical ingredients (IFA) included in the third phase of the program.
Since June this year, must be traced all medicines containing these ingredients:


For ANMAT, upon completion of the first stage of integration, necessary "to continue with the gradual implementation process, Now reaching more medicinal preparations which had been previously covered by the provisions 3683/2011 and 1831/2012 ". In this sense, Carlos Chiale, Controller of the ANMAT, stated that "the traceability system represents a further step in strengthening institutional quality policy ANMAT, whereby we secure safety to patients is made regarding the legitimacy, quality and efficacy of medicines consumed ".

In Argentina, the National Drug Traceability System began to be implemented late last year and involves all the natural or legal persons involved in the process. Since the beginning of the life of the system, have been reported over 40 million logistic movements, with more than six thousand actors discharged and reporting.

the company reported that the new list of medications traceable emerged of an articulated work between ANMAT and Programming Secretariat Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking (SEDRONAR), body is doomed to design strategies and actions to help counteract the problematic use of psychotropic drugs with alcohol, mainly in young.

Hitherto, was applied in a wide list of critical medicines, the highest cost, and used to treat conditions like cancer, HIV, hemophilia, artritis reumatoidea, cystic fibrosis and asthma treatments such as, acromegalia, Wet macular degeneration and anemia associated with chronic kidney disease, but also extends to any new medical specialty in the future be registered and you do not have similar market, whatever the active pharmaceutical ingredient. It should be stressed that covers both domestic and imported products.

Download Layout 3683/2011

Download Enlarge Layout 1831/2012