This was the theme of the 23rd Conference of GS1 Global, which took place from 23 to the 25 April at the Marriott Plaza Hotel, were Trazamed was one of the main sponsors. The main topics that the event covered were: the trends and latest developments in the use of standards, traceability, Data exchange, medical devices and patient safety.
The meeting, organized by GS1 Global Office in collaboration with GS1 Argentina, brought together national and international actors in the sector of health care; including manufacturers, importers, distributors, drugstores, pharmacies, care centers, schools, associations, universities, and government regulatory agencies.
Through briefings, conferences, case analysis and local implementation, the speakers agreed on how important it is to promote the adoption of solutions and practices for identification and traceability. But, How? A possible alternative is using GS1 global standards.
Now, the concept is key: all chain participants should speak the same language to optimize the processes of identification and improve patient safety. As an effective solution to this key wont, Trazemed operation showed its drug traceability system identified Datamatrix and RFID technology.
Traceability and control of drugs in Argentina
Since in 2011 law announced Drug Traceability country, ANMAT began working with PAMI field of regulation. And while gradually implementing the model was initiated with tracking 88 active-, trace currently one hundred percent of market assets.
María José Sánchez, National Program Coordinator Market Control of Medicines and Medical ANMAT, reported 241 laboratories, 8.060 pharmacies and 450 participating drugstores traceability system. He added: "We are committed and involved. Not only do we draw the route of drugs but also continue to exert strong control them through labor inspectors ANMAT at all stages of the marketing system of medicines. "
Since the system of governance of the nation's federal, Each province is autonomous and has its own regulations. Hence, is important that provincial health ministries to commit to the project for a longer reach. Nowadays, 14 of the 27 Argentine provinces are incorporated into National Traceability System.
Maximilian Law, Counsel National Market Control of Medicines and Medical ANMAT, announced that it will launch a new system to identify drugs that will include two new technologies: on the one hand, will replace the dies of the container by a label or stamp, which can not be removed without leaving an obvious mark on the packaging- and other, will require a change of computer systems currently in use, pharmacists should buy readers for the unique code that will be present in the new labels-. Likewise also said plotted implanted medical products.
The first stage of implementation of the traceability system, involving 88 active pharmaceutical ingredients (Disp. 3683/2011), was governed by the provision 3683/2011 ANMAT -Which is still in force-. However, this year two provisions take effect: the No. 1831/2012, incorporating 226 active pharmaceutical ingredients, and No. 247/2013, which includes nine psychotropic substances.